How To Store Gift Bags: 11 Ways
Before it is wrapped in pretty paper and tied with a bow, a gift isn’t considered complete. However, gift wrap lingers after every birthday or holiday season because there is nowhere to put it. Fortunately, you can use other storage items to hold your gift bags and hang them up or store them in baskets. Here are 11 methods for keeping gift bags organized at home.
Gift Wrap Storage Station
Have you ever wanted a station like this for gift-wrapping? It’s so attractive and well-organized, or is it just me? The gift wrap is held in place by dowels and hooks, so it’s easy to remove and replace rolls when they’re empty. You can even use one of the dowels to hold your rolls of ribbon.
Depending on the number of shelves you have, there are countless options. Just by looking at it, I find myself grinning. Looking for more gift ideas? Check out this list of 55+ Homemade Gifts that even kids can make! Also, check out these fantastic paper-wrapping tricks!
Closet Storage
You could use your entire closet, or just a portion of it, as a well-organized gift wrap storage space. To make gift wrapping simple, wrapping paper rolls can be mounted on dowels. Bins or boxes could be added to existing shelving for even more storage.
All of your ribbons and bows will fit perfectly in this spot, and if you’d like to maximize your available space, you can even hang items on the back or the side.
In A Simple Trash Can On Wheels
However, there is no need for anything fancy. A simple trash can works to keep your gift wrap upright and tidy. Since it has wheels, it is even more convenient to move it from room to room—for example, when trying to hide presents from your children.)
If the trash can doesn’t already have wheels, you might be able to add them. If the base is made of metal, it could be done with ease.
Places like Home Depot or Lowes would probably have all the items you’d need for this project. You can select the kind of wheels you want to use, purchase the brackets and screws needed to secure the wheels, and you’re ready to go.
Wheels aren’t required, but they sure do speed up moving the can from one room to the next. It would probably also be more enjoyable.
Wrap With Elastic
How often have your gift wrap rolls come undone after you’ve put them away? You have to go out and buy more paper because it becomes torn and wrinkled and is no longer usable for wrapping presents.
You may want to tie a piece of elastic around each roll just to keep them tightly and neatly wound. Everyone is happy when gift wrapping time comes around.
You can buy elastic bands at almost any store with a craft section, like Walmart, or a fabric store like Joann’s. This is such a great concept. Just in case, I believe I’ll purchase a variety of widths and sizes.

Hang Your Tissue Paper And Gift Bags
You can hang gift bags and tissue paper from a simple wire shelf. The rack could fit beneath a bed or at the bottom of a closet to save space. What a creative, space-efficient way to prevent damage while the holiday essentials are being stored.
On A Frame
This gift wrap on a frame is absolutely stunning. Attach cup hooks to the frame on either side (the cup hooks support the curtain rods, which pass through each roll of wrapping paper).
The curtain rods will easily fit into the hooks, as you’ll discover. If you don’t want it on display, you could also do that vertically and install it on the back of a door (by placing knobs at the ends of the dowels).
For a classy appearance, you could paint the frame the same shade as the wall; alternatively, you could contrast it to make it stand out.
Hang Gift Wrap Station On Door
This idea is genius and so easy to install. It’s a great way to guarantee that your wrapping paper stays smooth and isn’t harmed while being stored. Additionally, it is incredibly convenient. She used:
- a short shower curtain rod (but measure first, so it fits without sticking out)
- command hooks to hold your rod on the door
- ring clips to hang your supplies
- and S hooks (from Home Depot), if ya wanna hang other stuff besides gift wrap rolls
She doesn’t need much room for her wrapping station. It is out of sight and out of mind until needed because it is on the back of the closet door.
In A Plastic Bag Holder
Who knew you could turn this handy dandy plastic bag holder into a place to store your holiday wrapping paper? Because it takes up so little room, an IKEA plastic bag holder makes the ideal wrap container.
It’s so simple to tuck it away in a hidden spot, yet it’s still useful when you need to wrap a present. What a brilliant idea this is!
It measures a little more than 17 inches tall and 6 inches wide, so it will hold quite a few wrapping rolls. If you’ve never been to Ikea, you should go—this little treasure is only $3!
The best part is that once you’ve put away all your gift-wrapping paper, you can use these plastic bag holders for other things. The list is essentially endless and includes bows, gloves, socks, cleaning supplies, and kitchen utensils.
Under The Bed Storage Box
Have there ever been times when you needed to quickly wrap a gift but discovered that all of your supplies were in the holiday bin stashed in the back of the closet? So many times, I’ve experienced this.
It then becomes an unpleasant reality to return to the store to purchase more wrapping paper. Wrapping your gift fast has become a much larger chore than it should have been.
Storing your gift wrap essentials so you can easily get to them It’s a good idea to use all year. You never know when you’ll need to wrap a last-minute birthday gift that you might have overlooked.
To keep your gift wrap and accessories organized, you can even add dividers to this under-the-bed storage container. Simply pack it full of everything you’ll need and stow it under your bed for easy access.
Shoe Rack For Gift Wrap Sheets
Have you ever thought of this gift wrap idea? Hang gift wrap and tissue paper from a shoe rack behind the door. Because I don’t have a good place to store them, every time I try to reuse gift wrap that is still in perfect condition, the sheets end up crinkled and torn. I would become very frustrated as they would sustain such damage.
- I’ve tried folding them neatly
- stacking them on the bottom of the bin, like little pancakes on top of one another
- sliding them against the side
- putting them on the shelf in my closet
- even putting them in the drawer of my hutch to keep them safe
I’ve never had anything that works. Those little extra gift wrap sheets would always turn into unusable scraps of paper.
Wire Baskets On Door
What a wonderful way to store all your gift-wrap supplies! This clever woman organized her gift bags, ribbons, and other supplies in a series of wire baskets that she hung on the back of her coat closet door.
Depending on what you want to store there, you could alter the basket’s arrangement and size. You might even have a few baskets (made of sturdy plastic or metal) to store small items so that nothing falls through. With this simple space-saving trick, there are endless possibilities.