How Much Money To Give For Graduation Gift 2022?
What is the appropriate amount to give for a college graduation gift in 2022, and what is the appropriate amount to give for a high school graduation gift in 2022? You will agree with me that graduating from high school and college is a significant event. Because the occasion is often significant, many people wonder if more money is required. According to the National Retail Federation, 52.8 percent of people plan to give money for high school and college graduation.
How much money should you give a college or high school graduate? You can give between $20 and $100 to a high school graduate. A college graduate should be given between $50 and $200.
However, the amount may vary depending on a number of factors, which will be discussed in detail in the article.
What Should I Need To Think About Cash To Give As A Graduation Gift?
Most graduates will want money. It’s a safe bet that they’ll be able to put it to good use.
This is especially true if they are currently looking for work or will be full-time students with limited income for an extended period of time.
But how do you determine an appropriate amount? Consider the following suggestions.
1. A sum that is within your budget.
Before you do anything else, you must first determine your financial capabilities. While giving a gift is nice, you should not do so at the expense of your own finances.
Determine how much you can contribute and stick to your budget and savings goals. Do this before writing a check.
2. Think about how close the relationship is.
Is this someone you’ve met before? Is it a family member? Is this a casual family friend or an acquaintance?
Generally, the more money you give, the closer you are to the graduate. Less money is required for acquaintances or casual friends.
3. Did you receive an invitation to the graduation?
If you’ve been invited to watch this person graduate, it’s customary to bring a gift. However, if you aren’t, it may not be necessary. Before you give money, consider #2 and your budget.
4. Between $10 and $300.
If you need an exact figure, the correct answer is somewhere between these two. That is, however, a wide range of numbers. As a result, before making a decision, you’ll need to consider other factors.
Can You Give Money As A High Graduation Gift?
Giving money for high school graduation is perfectly acceptable.
Money is regarded as one of the best gifts to give a high school graduate, among other things. Furthermore, it is a common graduation gift. This is because graduates always have big plans for any money gifts they receive, such as saving, investing, and paying down personal debts.
In addition, high school graduates prefer cash to gifts as a way to get started in their new adult life.
How Much Money Do You Give a High School Graduate?
However, before you give money for a high school graduation, you must consider two factors: what you can afford and your relationship with the graduate.
So, how much money should you spend on a high school graduation gift in 2022? For high school graduation, you can give $50 to $100 or more.
You can consider your personal finances and how much you can afford when determining affordability. For example, if you are on a fixed income, you can give less. You can give anywhere between $20 and $75. On the other hand, if you have extra money, you could give more, perhaps $50 to $100.
Can You Give Money For College Graduation?
Giving money for high school graduation is perfectly acceptable.
It depends on your relationship with the recipient, whether he or she is a close relative, your own child, or a friend. Your decision may also be influenced by your financial situation.
If you cannot afford to give college graduation money, perhaps due to financial constraints, you are not obligated to do so. Aside from money, you can receive other types of gifts. Or even go out to dinner in the evening.
However, giving college graduation money is still acceptable because college graduates often prefer money as a graduation gift for a variety of reasons.
Some graduates use the money to pay off college loans, others invest it, and still others begin their independent lives with whatever cash they receive.
How Much Money Do You Give a College School Graduate?
Graduating from college is a significant accomplishment, and many people wonder if a larger monetary gift is required. According to Bright Hub, most people give between $100 and $500 as a college graduation gift. A parent should expect to pay between $50 and $100 for a 2- to 4-year degree, with advanced degrees costing about $100 more per degree. Access to Culture deconstructs this for grandparents and siblings:
- $50 Close relatives such as grandparents, aunts, and so on
- $25 for a close friend
- $20 for a friend or coworker
Giving a Gift of Money
While these are general guidelines for what to give, the giving is ultimately up to you. When considering giving a monetary gift, consider your personal finances and how much you can afford. If you are on a fixed income, you may be able to give less. If, on the other hand, you have extra money, you might choose to give more. The graduate’s situation must also be considered. Did the individual receive honors at any of the various levels? This could result in a larger-than-average monetary reward.
The Giving Spirit
When it comes to monetary gifts, you want to make sure you do it correctly. You don’t want to hand a wad of cash to a graduate while they’re still dressed up. Unless you’re feeling particularly inventive, putting it in a card with a personalized message is the best option. Furthermore, giving anything at the ceremony is frowned upon. This is due to the possibility that the graduate will misplace it in the shuffle. If they have an open house, give it to them there or mail it to them. If that isn’t possible, wait until you have a private conversation with them before handing them a card.
Creative Cash Presents
If you’re thinking about giving an appropriate cash amount as a gift, consider these display ideas:
- Create paper money flowers with the cash.
- Construct a lei out of one-dollar bills.
- Fill balloons with money and inflate them.
- Create a money tree as a gift.
- Give each month a calendar with money taped to it.
- Give away a piggy bank stuffed with twenty-dollar bills.
- Put money in a photo album filled with pictures in the weeks leading up to the graduation.
- Roll dollar bills into a layered cake and secure them with ribbon.
- Put money into school supplies like pencil holders or notebooks.

When it comes to high school graduation gifts, there is a lot to think about. And many factors influence how much money you should give, or whether you should give any money at all.
Above all, remember to consider your own budget. Let that be your guide rather than what other people say.
Each person must decide how much to give based on their personal circumstances, etiquette, and level of familiarity with the graduate. What matters most is that you support the graduate in this new stage of their life, whether with money, a nice card, or your presence as they graduate.